Thursday, August 25, 2011


I can't believe Natalie is 4 days old already, I've found that she is a perfect fit to our family though!  We are all adjusting very well, it helps that she is such a good baby, I continue to thank God every day for this perfect little miracle he has blessed us with!

Wednesday was a busy day for us, we had some special stops to make before heading to Allen hospital for Natalie's doctor appointment, here she is dressed (in an adorable outfit from Aunt Angie) and ready to go for her 1st day out of the house.....

First stop was to the Bridges so G & G Larson could meet Natalie, they just loved up to her right away.  Grandma Larson couldn't get over her long little fingers and toes.

Then we stopped by Frannie's office where Jasmina got to meet her for the 1st time...

Then we headed toward Allen hospital for her appointment but decided to grab a quick sandwich from Subway, Natalie didn't move a muscle while Nathan and I enjoyed lunch together....

Then it was onto the hospital where Natalie first had to get blood drawn so that they could test her bilirubin levels again.....she did great, only crying a little bit - I think it broke her parents' hearts more to see her go through that not so fun process!

Here we are back in the car seat to travel to the other side of the hospital for her wellness check-up, look at her poor little foot all wrapped up.......

Here she is getting weighed (she is now up to 9 lbs 4 ounces) and her head checked and measured by the nurse.....

After the doctor got her bilirubin results she came in to give her an overall body check.  She said that her bilirubin levels looked good and were slowly moving up.  She also had an overall good report, nothing for us to be worried or concerned out, which made us both feel good about!

After her appointment we headed home since G & G Sents were coming over to meet Natalie for the 1st time.  All she did was sleep while they were there, what a bum!

During supper time she was wide-eyed and ready to play so we tried out the new swing, I think she liked it even though she gave us quite the look when we started the swing.  Doesn't she look so little in this big swing?

We ended our night with Aunt Angie and Carson stopping by....

While Angie was visiting she fed Natalie so when they headed home we headed to bed, she had another good night - up at 2:00 a.m. for a bottle and went right back to bed and slept till 5:30 a.m. this morning! 

We are so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Blessed you are!! From the photos here it looks as though Natalie has the same skin and hair coloring as Grandpa Clarence had and "Frannie" has. I'll let you know when I see her. Thank you, thank you for posting these adorable pictures.
