Friday, August 5, 2011


It's finally FRIDAY and I'm very "thankful" that this week is over. 
It was a little stressful at work this past week for me as we had a lot going on.  We had our yearly auditor here, you know the typical accountant that's known as Mr. Personality.  I was also training a new gal who's going to be taking my place while I'm gone, plus it's the first of the month, our busy time!
But with God's help I made it through the week!

Making it through my stressful week got me thinking of all the other things in life that I'm thankful for, like:
     -My faith and church
     -My family, what would I do without them?  Especially my husband!
     -The miracle of life, this pregnancy and my soon to be daughter
     -My friends, love them all!
     -My home, love being a home body!
     -My health, what more can I can?
     -My job and the fact that I have a place to work, some days I have to remind
      myself of this

     -And all the little things in life.......I could go on and on!

We all know this verse but I wanted to share it with you again, as this is the verse that got me through my week. "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength"  Philippians 4:13

Hope you had a good week, now it's onto the weekend!


  1. Very nice post! We most certainly do have so much to be thankful for :)
    I'm so glad this dreaded week is over for you, and you only have a max of ONE week left. Then it's....BABY time!

  2. I'm so glad for you that you know who you can rely upon for strength for each day. One day at a time!! Love you and praying every day for your family.
