Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week #36

Here we are another week closer to our goal of 40 weeks.
I must say this last month or so has really gone fast I don't know if it's because work has gotten a little crazy and/or since our "social" calendar for this summer is in full swing.

Our little girl continues to put on weight by the 1/2 pound each week.  It's no wonder the womb is becoming very cramped.  She is gaining weight quickly because layers of fat pile on and help in both body temperature regulation and developing her immunity in preparation for lie in the outside world.  I may find myself carrying her much lower now now thus this week's gift.


I think we'll find this gift to come in very handy especially if there are times when she wants to be held but I'd still like to get something done around the house, I love to multi-task you know!  Thanks Mom & Angie!

Yesterday's doctor appointment went good.  I lost a pound so I'm back down to only gaining 10 pounds with this pregnancy, hopefully I can get rid of that extra baby weight pretty fast once she is here.  I also had to get blood drawn so they could check my platlet levels again, other than that my blood pressure was good and I will head back next week for my weekly appointment.  That's unless this little lady wants to enter the world over the weekend, she can - I think we're ready!  Trust me I'm not getting my hopes up though, just like to think it!

1 comment:

  1. That is beyond my imagining to gain but 10#'s during pregnancy. I'll tell you what: your discomfort level would be no where near what the rest of ours was because of the 40#'s or so we always thought needed to be gained. What the heck was that all about? I continue praying for your little family.
