Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby Shower #2

Tonight the gals at work had a baby shower for me at Doughy Joey's in Waterloo, we had a great night of laughing, playing games and eating.  Not a lot of people could make it due to busy summer/vacation schedules but I was happy with the turn's hard to get everybody in the same place at the same time.

We started the night off by playing some games, the 1st game was the toilet paper game.  Everybody had to guess how big I was around with toilet paper. They had to unrolling as much (or as little) and then compare it to the real measurement.  Let's just say some people were WAY off, guessing I was huge and other people's guesses were pretty close.

The next game was the baby bottle/candy/guessing game.  Everybody had to write down there guess on a piece of paper and whoever got the closest without going over WON!  My guess was close but I didn't win!

The final game of the evening was one we played through-out the night.  We were all given a close pin to wear on our shirt and whenever you said the word "BABY" others could steal your close pin, I lost mine right away but in the end look at who won, my shirt sleeve is full.

We also received this awesome gift from the group.  The swing/bouncy seat/chair that we registered for, thanks gals I think we'll find this gift very handy.

There's always room for dessert.....right?  Well eventhough we were all full we ended our night by having a slice of this yummy cake, isn't it cute?


Thanks again for a fun night gals, it's something I will always remember!

1 comment:

  1. Di, you look so beautiful in the state of pregnancy! Really, I'm serious. It doesn't look like you'd be waddling when you walk yet. And how good of the gals to go together and get you a large gift as registered. Thank you again for blogging all your good news; it makes me feel like I'm in the loop with you Keep yourself and your baby safe this last month of waiting.
