Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend!

What a nice relaxing time we've had over the past three days!
Friday night we packed up and headed to Prairie for a quick trip
in which we stayed through Saturday afternoon. 
The guys took off Saturday morning to golf...

Us gals stayed back and played outside with the kids....

I know - lack of pictures but we were busy.
We did end up taking the kids up town to do a little shopping
and eat at this fun little shop with yummy food including smoothes.
We headed back in the afternoon to meet back up with the guys,
try to get the kids down for a nap and catch the Iowa game......
in which the kids didn't nap, they were having way too fun I guess!
We then headed back late Saturday afternoon in which Natalie
was asleep in the car before we hit the 1st stop sign, we knew she was tired!
Saturday evening we unpacked and worked around the house:
cleaning, laundry, etc. - you know the weekly basis.
Sunday we grabbed some groceries and did some odds and ends around the house, Natalie took a long nap in the afternoon - still trying to recover from her week at daycare and her overnight stay in Prairie I guess.
Then Sunday night we took Chris, Kasey and Kaylee
some supper and hung out with them for a little bit.
And here we are on Monday already - enjoying the "Labor Day" at home.
We worked outside in the morning, I've had the itch to get my Fall stuff out and now that we are into September I think it's okay so that's what I did...
Got some new stuff for the front porch.....thanks to some birthday gifts from my Mom and Sister and some old stuff from the back shed here's my front porch!

And now we are enjoying a relaxing afternoon inside - naps,
plus gearing up for yet another fun filled week ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you said your grand farewell to Summer and ushered Autumn in with style. I think you made a great Labor Day memory. And judging by the picture Natalie is happy about it.
