Thursday, September 20, 2012

1 year + 1 month = 13 month old

Today marks Natalie's 13th month of life, I really can't believe she is 1 already!

Side Note: I also can't believe Christmas is just 3 months away, didn't realize that till yesterday when I was at the doctor with Natalie (more on that later) and when we were getting ready to leave I had to make her next appointment, the gal said okay she needs to come back in 3 months - next available appointment is December 27th, does that work for you?  What......that means the next time we travel to the doctor Natalie's 2nd Christmas will be in the books, I can't believe it!
Now onto Natalie doctor's appointment, she was all excited to see me at daycare when I went and picked her up right before lunch....little did she know where we were going!  We got to her appointment, they weighed her - on the "big girl" scale this time - 24.1 lbs (85%) and then had her lay on the table so they could get her height, 31 inches (96%).  Then we headed back to the room where her "nice" doctor came in to check her over then it was time for the shots.  The part I hate the most about her doctor's visits.  The nurse ended up giving her 4 shots, including her flu shot (which of course we have to go back in 4 weeks for the 2nd part....made that appointment for 4:00 so Daddy can take her).  Let's just say Natalie was NOT happy with me for holding her down or the nurse after her shots.  We then had to head to lab so she could get blood drawn, you would have thought somebody was getting stabbed as she was screaming.  The nice lab tech put the cotton ball and she "fun" pink tape on her finger to stop it from bleeding and Natalie then ripped it off and threw it at the nurse, she didn't want anything on her little finger.  At this point her face was red, there were lots of tears running down her face and she was not a happy camper!
I tried to make it up to her for being so brave (okay - maybe just surviving)
by taking her to McDonald's for her 1st Happy Meal including a toy but that didn't work so well.  Here's the "happy" camper herself...

 She ate very little and she was super tired and still mad
(she's going to be one of those girls that holds a grudge for a long time I think). 
So we quickly finished lunch and headed home for a much needed nap. 
After nap and into the evening she wasn't her happy self and you could tell her legs were sore so we just hung out, it was just me and Natalie as Daddy had class.  Frannie stopped by to say "HI" and then we just cuddled in the chair and read books and she crashed early! 
Natalie's report from daycare today was good and her and Daddy had a snack after daycare and were busy playing outside when I got home, Nathan reported that she was in a pretty good mood = field trip night with Mommy & Daddy!
So what fun thing can we do on this special day for Natalie?
Well I've been meaning to take her to the Youth Pavilion for weeks/months - not sure if she would like it but I've heard only good things about it so why not check it out tonight, they are open late plus it's "Dollar Days" - better yet!

Driving the tractor...

Her favorite part - the cow, not sure why?

Playing the drums...

Getting ready to head into the cave!

Daddy playing mini-golf!

And his shadow...

Walking over the "BIG" bridge!

Getting ready to leave...

We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed home, this is the sight in the back seat.....I guess our family field trip wore this little girl out!

Happy 13 month birthday baby you lots!

Daddy & Mommy


1 comment:

  1. It's boo hoo for me this morning to read that Natalie had such a difficult time at the Dr's office! But she does have many great experiences in her day to day. Thanks again Di for sharing them with me; you are awesome.
