Sunday, July 8, 2012

New car...

Natalie got an "early" birthday present from us a couple days ago. 
We have been trying to think of something we could get her for her upcoming birthday (I can't believe she is going to be 1 already next month) well I spotted this cute little car at the store and couldn't resist.  I figured she didn't have to wait till her birthday/end of summer to enjoy her new ride.

She was so excited.....with the box!

Daddy's little helper!

Almost done.....hurry up Daddy!

Natalie enjoying her new ride!

Great purchase - we have already enjoyed many fun times of pushing her up and down the driveway and finally took it on a walk this afternoon as it was "finally" not too hot outside to enjoy an afternoon stroll!

1 comment:

  1. Natalie's hair is coming in soooo cute!! and she looks downright cool in her new car, sunsuit and sunglasses. My heart is blessed and delighted that all my grandchildren enjoy their children so much.
