Friday, April 20, 2012

8 months old

Natalie is 8 months old today...

....she currently weighs around 20 lbs.
(according to our bathroom scale) around 31 inches long (according to our tape measure)

.....loves her cereal w/fruit at lunch time and then her veggies and maybe fruit at supper time.  She doesn't always want both.  She also is loving all the little snacks/finger foods we've been giving her lately!  She is still taking her 4 bottles a day as well and we've offered her a sippy cup of water the past couple of months and just lately she has figured out how to get it high enough up to her mouth in order to get some water out....then of course throws it on the floor, she thinks it's so funny! drooling off and on - depends on the day I guess.  Had 1 little tooth pop through this past month, it's on the bottom and it's so darn cute! And just last night I spotted another one coming through right next to the one she has already! still a great sleeper, heads to bed around 8:00 p.m. every night and sleeps all night, getting up between 6:00 am/6:30 am - I sometimes even have to wake her up so we can get ready & head out the door on time!  What a sleepy head!

....still loves her baths and has graduated to the "BIG" girl tub this past month.  Loves to try to eat the bubbles and grab the water as the tub is filling up! still wearing size 3 diapers wearing mostly 12 month clothes now.  She is getting low on the warm pj's that fit her so we hope the warm weather comes around again so we can stick her in the summer 2 piece sets we got her for Easter!

....loves to talk, talk, talk

...still has the best little smile still enjoying her new daycare, I call her the "Social Butterfly" as there are days that she only sleeps 2 hours total while she is there and at home on the weekends she'll sleep 1-2 hours in the morning and another 3-4 hours in the afternoon.....we must be boring!  I think she just sleeps better when it's quiet. crawling and pulling herself up to everything still our cute little thumb sucker

....plays so well by herself, but loves it when anybody is on the floor playing with her....she is also really getting into her noisy toys lately - loves music/songs!

....still doesn't like to be by herself in a room but now that she can follow up she seems to be happier

....celebrated her 1st Easter as a family of 3, our celebrations started on Palm Sunday when we had my family over then the following week we celebrated again, a scavenger hunt/Easter egg hunt at Mom & Gary's.  Then on Easter Sunday we went to church and then hung out together in the afternoon!

Happy 8 month birthday baby girl!

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. I had to count on my fingers before I'd believe Natalie is 8 months old already-but, yep, that she is! And so smart and talented for her young age; pulling herself up by furniture and stretching to 31" long already. I can't wait until May when I can visit face to face since she is talking already.:)
    Keep loving on her, you two.
