Sunday, March 25, 2012

Outside Fun!

We've been loving this beautiful weather we've had these last couple of weeks.....

Here's Natalie outside for the 1st time this Spring,
nothing like little baby toes in the grass, she didn't mind at all!

Natalie got her 1st tractor/lawn mower ride this past weekend...

She also got an early Easter present this past weekend - a new swing!
We got it put up in the tree while she was napping on Saturday.
What a fun surprise to wake up to after a nice long nap!
She loves it!

Natalie also got to play on the "BIG" kid toys at Frannie's this past weekend!

What a fun weekend we had of playing outside, going on walks,
trying out Natalie's new swing and much more!
Hope you had a great weekend as well!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your life IS full of treasures! So sweet to know that all is well with you and your family. I, too, spent most of the week-end out of doors puttering in the flowers and sweeping the winter out of the garage. Fun things as well, when the weather is enjoyable.
