Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fun Times....

This week we have spent our evenings playing with all of Natalie's new toys,
not sure who is having more fun Natalie or us!  Natalie has also learned a few new things she is doing "SO BIG!"  Sorry she is too quick for me,
 I never got a picture of her hands on top of her head!

She continues to love her jumper...

Playing peek-a-boo...

Last night we grabbed a bite to eat at Applebee's, last time we were there Natalie was a just a couple weeks old and she slept the whole time.....not this time,
this time she had to help Nathan pick out what he was going to have for supper!
What a big helper she is!

And I'll leave you with this fun picture, this is what she wore to daycare today....sporting her wild green socks, headband and new shirt that says
"My Dad Rocks!" which I picked up on clearance for $2 this week!
I love bargains!

Hope you are all having a great week, we sure are!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing the different stages of Natalie's life. She is getting "so big" and so very smart. I loved her outfit for daycare-what a diva! Nathan and your lives are very rich and full for God has blessed you greatly that's for sure.
