Friday, January 20, 2012

5 month old

WOW!  It's January 20th already and Natalie is 5 months old today...

....she currently weighs just over 16 lbs
(according to her doctor's appt last Monday) over 27 inches long (according to her doctor's appt last Monday)

.....still eating cereal at night a drooling fool, I think she has a tooth that is very close to coming through still a great sleeper

....still loves her baths and speaking of water she got to go enjoy a swimming pool this past month while sporting a very cute swimming suit I might add!

....has moved up to size 3 diapers wearing some 6 month clothes plus some 9 month stuff

....loves to giggle and talking more and more,
I think I've even heard her Ma-Ma a couple of times a very smiley girl, even to strangers...not sure that is a good thing!

....seems to be doing great at daycare still,
I even got a text video from the sitter yesterday of Natalie
just giggling at another girl that was playing peek-a-boo with her! rolling over, left to right and right to left - she is even starting to go from back to tummy and tummy to back.....she is becoming a pro at that rolling stuff!

....still a thumb sucker, which I think is so darn cute loving all her new toys that she got from Christmas

....has just started to realize when we leave the room where she is playing
and gets a little scared, I hope it's just a phase!

Happy 5 month birthday baby girl!
We love you!

1 comment:

  1. It's obvious that little doll is thriving on love. And it is thoughtful of you to keep us posted on Natalie's growth and development along with pictures. Thank you, Di, for taking the time to blog; it sure makes my day.
