Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr. Appt

This morning I took Natalie to her 2 month check-up and all I can report is she is one healthy girl.

Here she is getting weighed and measured:

She is weighing in at 13 lbs. 3 ounces and is 24 inches long so that puts her in the 96% for both her height and weight!  Like I said she is one healthy girl!

After the nurse got her measurements Natalie's doctor came in to check her over and said all is well and that we can start giving her a little cereal at night if we want since she is not sleeping through the night yet.  Natalie must like her doctor because she was full of smiles for him and then that "NICE" nurse had to come back in to give her her shots and then she wasn't so happy!  She had 2 shots in one leg and 1 in the other.  Poor girl!  She cried for a little bit and then just gave me that look like "how could you let her do that to me Mom".  Once I got her settled back down we got packed up and headed to daycare, which she fell asleep on the way too - I guess she needed a nap after her rough morning!

Her sitter said she was really good all day, mostly slept the day away, minus a couple diaper changes and 2 bottles the sitter had a pretty easy day with her.  I guess the shots she got this morning made her tired!

To keep it all fair I got my flu shot this morning and even though I wanted to cry I didn't, I stayed strong for Natalie!

I can't believe my baby will be 2 months old this Thursday already!

1 comment:

  1. She looks like a very healthy specimen as she lays on the scale. I suppose Natalie decided she was smiling at the wrong person; she should have smiled at the nurse and persuaded her then to not hurt her little legs. Happy 2 months birthday, Natalie.
