Sunday, October 30, 2011

Busy Weekend!

We had yet another busy weekend, but it's not over yet!  I am always sad when Sunday afternoon rolls around as that means it's back to yet another fun filled week.  Before I get into the fun of this past weekend, isn't this the cutest painted pumpkin you've ever seen?  This is what Natalie painted at daycare on Friday.
I must say she is one clean painter as she came home with not even a spot of paint on her white shirt. 

Now onto the weekend, Friday night we had Mom & Gary, Ang & Carson and Chris & Kasey over for supper to celebrate Gary's birthday.  Here is a snapshot of Mom & Gary with their two cute grandkids, Carson and Natalie...

And this is how we spent our Saturday afternoon/evening, cheering on the Iowa Hawkeyes, too bad they didn't pull off the win!  Isn't Natalie's new tutu along with the matching headband so cute?  This is what Natalie got in the mail this past week from Darren, Heather and the kids in Milwaukee.

Then on Saturday night we carved pumpkins.....

Natalie watching Daddy carve his pumpkin...

Even Mom got in on the "gross" part...

Natalie check out the inside of her little pumpkin....

Here is Natalie with her pumpkins - she gets 2 this year I guess.  The one she painted at daycare and then the one we carved for her, side note the one with the "N" on it is home grown from Great Grandpa and Grandma Sents!

We are decorated and ready to go for the fun of Monday night! 

Now we're getting ready to head off to the Brouwers' house for yet another fun celebration.  Carson's 2nd birthday party.  I can't believe he's 2 already! 
More to come on later!

1 comment:

  1. wat a sweeet treat for me; watching, in still, Natalie's first Halloween! And Nathan is a fine pumpkin carver. Will you be lighting candles for jack-o-lanterns on your porch display? I especially liked the picture of Peggy, Gary and the babies - it's a keeper. Embrace your week and tell Natalie I enjoyed our conversation on Saturday.
