Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I can't believe it's Wednesday already!  Where has the week gone?
With Nathan being back to work this week me and Miss Natalie have been keeping ourselves busy.

Yesterday we ran a couple errands which include a stop at the Mall to find this long bean some new clothes as she has out grown the newborn stuff already!  While I was changing her diaper at the Mall I noticed that her umbilical cord had fallen off so that meant that she could now have a bath in her "Big Girl" bathtub so that's what we did this morning!

And she liked it.....

After her bath we headed out to visit Aunt Angie at work, we also got to have lunch with her at the Falcon's Nest of course....yummy!  After lunch we came home and hung out till Nathan got home from work.  Nathan got a little bit of loving in with Natalie before he had to head off to class.  It was just going to be me and Natalie hanging out tonight and then Frannie came to the rescue and stopped by to visit, which was fun!

Here's a picture from Sunday, Natalie's first time in a John Deere tractor with Grandpa of course!

1 comment:

  1. What a calm fearless little dolly - to not even flinch all naked and then dipped into wet stuff. I hope Nathan's class was more interesting than last week's. It sounds like you are enjoying your time off work; live it up, Di.
