Sunday, September 18, 2011


With the weather changing to cooler temps and rainy weather these last couple of days we have found ourselves hanging out inside more...

I also got a chance to finish this great book, it's a must read....

Here we are all dressed up and ready for church...

After church we grabbed some lunch then it was home for the Bears game - we had to add the bow in the hair otherwise she really looked like a boy, here she is sporting her shirt that says " I watch the Chicago Bears with my Daddy."

And Mommy...

She has been awake a lot more these last couple of days and the smiles come pretty easy lately....

Later in the afternoon Nathan's Grandma and 2 Aunts from the Fort Atkinson area were in Waterloo doing some shopping so they stopped by to visit.  They also got to meet Natalie for the 1st time so that was fun, we also enjoy having visitors.

Here's to another fun filled week - ours consist of running a couple errands, a doctor appointment and just hanging out together!

1 comment:

  1. I posted a comment but it didn't work so here goes another one..I think you and Nathan are enjoying your Little Natalie and all things baby. I fall more in love with each picture you post. The church dress is awesome and what did she have in her hair? a brown cloth head band?
