Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week #29

We are now into our 29th week, I can't believe it!
On Tuesday I went to my last monthly doctor's appointment, now I start going every 2 weeks for the next 2 months, then I'll go every week!

Tuesday was a busy appointment, right away when I got there they weighted me....I found out I gained another 5 pounds this past month, WHAT!?!  At this rate I'm going to be two-ton Tina come August.  If I stop and think about it I've really I've only gained a total of 7 pounds since in the beginning because the first couple of months I lost weight.  I also had to drink the nasty lemon-lime drink for my glucose screening test, which I believe I pasted since I didn't hear anything back from the doctor the last day or so.  They said I would get a phone from them if my test results came back abnormal, which would mean I'd have to go back for the long 3-hour test but they told me not getting a phone call from them was news is good news I guess. 

I ended my doctor's visit by getting my Rho-gam shot, I had to get that since I'm Rh-Negative blood type, I'll have to get another one after I give birth, really....I don't care for shots much!

This week's gift includes....
        .....diapers, wipes, traveling changing bag, diaper bags and powder!

The gift is associated with the fact that she can now urinate around a 1/2 a liter of urine into the amniotic fluid everyday!  Are you kidding me?

She also weighs about 2.5 pounds and is 15 inches long. 

One thing I've noticed over the past week or so is that she is one active little girl that's for sure!  I have a feeling we have a wild child on our hands.


  1. Good job at the Dr's-you just keep them on their toes so they know who they're dealing with. What are diaper bags? Can't you just put soiled diapers in a Wal-mart bag? Oh well, I'm just not up on all this stuff. But I do learn alot from your blog entries. I never realized the urination thing! I agree with you-"Are you kidding me?"

  2. Please note--the diapers are "PRINTED"! How cool is that?!
    I can't wait to meet this Wild Child, Estelle :)
