Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kick-Off to Summer

Today marked the "official" kick-off to Summer at daycare as it was the girls' 1st cold lunch day for the year.  Every Wednesday till the end of August the kids at daycare (including Addi now that she prefers "big girl" food) has to take a cold lunch to daycare.  Along with cold lunches they get to take their swimming suits and in the afternoon (weather pending of course) each class gets 45 minutes in the water.  Natalie's class didn't get to enough swim day today as the weather was pretty cool and rainy but hopefully next week they can enjoy the water!
Here are my two cuties heading out the door this morning,
cold lunches in hand...

Oh too be a kid again!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Di. All is so delightful when you are a kid. And especially for your kids to have parents like they have!!
