Monday, January 27, 2014

Addison is 4 months old...

Today Addison is 4 months  old...
....she currently weighs 16.5 lbs.
(according to our bathroom scale) around 25 inches long
(according to our tape measure)

.....she is a great eater, downing 7 oz bottles every 4 -5 hours

....still a sleeper, taking her one to two good naps during the day and then heading to bed around 8:00 pm/8:30 pm (she's actually moved that bedtime up a little since last month) and then sleeping through the night!

....still sporting size 2 diapers but only till this pack is gone
then we're moving her on up to the 3's

....wearing 6 month clothes still
....loves to smile and has the cutest lil' giggle and gets so excited when
Natalie talks to her (very closely, which is all the time), she also has become quite the drool bug lately, not sure if she is going to get her lil' teeth early or what but can you say "WET" shirt - all the time!
....loves just about everybody, Natalie, Mommy, Daddy,
Grandpas, Grandmas and those lovely daycare gals still enjoying daycare and I think is getting better with all the noise that goes on in that room plus is getting to know all her teachers, giving them BIG smiles when we get there in the mornings now

....didn't celebrate any big holidays this past month - we just hung out at home playing on the flooring and getting Addi's jumper out as the weather has been too darn cold outside to do anything fun out there and/or out and about.

....Addi did have her 1st hotel experience this past month as we travelled to Peoria (that being one of her longest car rides too) for a family weekend away with most of my extended family - we all had a great time and she did great even though her 1st night was a little rough, I guess she knows already when we're not at home and/or in her own bed.
Happy 4 month birthday baby girl!

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Sure do love you Addi!! First picture is sooooo cute - your big toes are funny.
