Friday, January 5, 2018

2 month check-up...

This morning Addi and I took Lainey to her 2 month check-up with Dr Poock at the Family Practice Center.  She was so good and very happy...until the shots came - 3 of them...then she wasn't so happy anymore.  She weighed 13 lbs (85%) and was 22 inches long (24%).  Dr. Poock said you were "a little chubby" for your height so we could cut back on the formula a little - we'll see what you think of that idea! :)  He also said we could start offering you a little cereal at night before bed...hopefully that would help you sleep at night...right now you're still getting up once (or twice) in the night.

Back at home now and you're a happy baby again!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Lil Weichers would say, "What a Specimen!" Dolly is what she is! I bet the cereal is making a difference for her night sleep habits.
