Here is lil' Miss Natalie all ready to head out the door for "field trip day"...I think she was just a little excited as all the daycare she kep telling Addi....
"Hey Addi it's my field trip day" like Addi really knows what a field trip is and/or what she is really missing.... :)
Snapshots from our morning!
Yes that is "MY" hand he is eating out of.....GROSS!
Jean is showing (and telling) the kids that baby cows are born with teeth....interesting huh?
Now that is one big "MAMA" she is so tall she has to eat outside of the barn!
I have to laugh now that I look closely at this picture, "Stacy" the cow photo bombed this cute picture of Natalie.....check out what she's doing in the background! Naughty Stacy!
Jean is showing the kids what size bottle the baby cows eat out of.....
The kids got to pet this lil' cow that was born just 3 hours before the kids arrived at the farm....she was so new that she was still hanging out in the office when we got to meet her!
Wall of "name tags"
Jean showing the kids where the cows get milked!
They even had 2 lil' goats on the farm!
And this is where they make the "ice cream"....yummy!
Natalie and her lil' class!
Milking the cow.....
Before heading back on the bus the kids got to check out the 3 kangaroos they have at the is Natalie and one of her friends seeing what the kangaroos eat.
Very morning on the farm, which is just down the road from us!
Thoroughly enjoyed all these pictures and laughed out loud when I saw Natalie's squat by the fake cow (milking the cow)! Priceless!! thank for sharing all the good times you guys are having. :)