Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Week.....

Both girls happy and ready to go for the day!

Addi is on the run!

Had to wake Addi up (as she was up in the middle of the night) and quickly get her dressed and out the door so I asked her daycare teacher to send me a snapshot later in the day.... 

and this is what I got....don't think she is happy about the pigtails they gave her! :)

Natalie was all about having her picture taking...Addi not so much, found out later in the day when I took her to "Urgent Care"....which by the way is not all that "urgent" that she has ear infection so now we know why she hasn't been eating, sleeping and/or her self the last couple of days!

Both girls are happy & ready to go...
Addi is hopefully feeling better after 2 doses of meds already!

Hope you've had a great Valentine's Week as well!



  1. I love to giggle over your pictures - but it was an outloud laugh when I saw Addi's picture with pigtails. Tell Natalie I love her hearts headband and she wears it well. . . and she poses well, too. Glad Addi is feeling better; those nasty ear infections are so hard for parents to detect.

  2. Had to revisit this post today (as I usually do) because I wanted another giggle.
