Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Day!

Yesterday was a fun yet busy day for Ms. Natalie, right away in the morning we headed off to daycare so she could be in the costume parade, which was so fun!  After the parade all the kids headed back to their rooms to have a fun little party but Addi and I took off then and had some fun of our own (running errands & stopped by my office).
Here's a quick snapshot of my "sad" little pumpkin.....not sure if she was unhappy that she didn't get to be apart of Natalie's fun day or that she had to hang out with me all day!

After daycare it was home to grab a bite to eat and gear up for a night of trick-or-treating.  We hit a few houses around our neighborhood before heading into Cedar Falls to get some candy from Papa & Frannie's neighborhood. 

All in all we all had a fun day and our lil' bumble bee was one tired bee by the end of the day!  Hope you had a wonderful Halloween as well!

1 comment:

  1. After your Halloween filled week - Natalie should know what that holiday is all about. Looks like she enjoyed it all. Never got scared of other kids costumes? Sure wish I were there to smooch on Addison's cute cheeks.
