Monday, August 20, 2012

12 months old

Today Natalie is 12 months old...

....she currently weighs a little over 24 lbs.
(according to our bathroom scale) around 31 inches long
(according to our tape measure)

.....still our little eater and seems to be hungry all the time!

...she is still sporting the 4 teeth on the top and the 2 on the bottom.  There must be another 1 or 2 coming in on the top as she has been not her happy-self the last couple of days plus she has been chewing on her poor little fingers a lot!

....still loves to sleep - going to bed earlier these last couple of days
as daycare must be wearing her out!

....still our little water baby.....haven't been in the water much this past month as the weather is getting cooler, been taken more baths these last couple days as she is playing outside and getting pretty messy during meals these days!

....still sporting size 4 diapers

....still wearing 12 month clothes and some 18 month stuff

....has become our little talker and has grown up so much these last couple of weeks.  When we ask her if she wants to go outside she says "yeah" and heads to the door and tries to open it herself - Miss Independent you know. 
She has also started shaking her head "yes" or "no" as well!

...still our little smiler/happy girl :) still enjoying daycare and I've been told has been over in the toddler room during "circle time" and has done great.  Not sure when exactly she'll move over there "for good" but I think she is ready as the gal in the nursery now says she is "getting bored with the babies now!"  We've also learned over the past week that Devon one of Natalie's favorite teacher will be going back to college so her last day at daycare was last Friday - we will miss her but wish her the best! walking and has started running all over the place

....she is still a thumb sucker and loves to carry around her blankey and pink kitty now too especially when she is tired - she'll just lay on the floor - that's our sign that it's bedtime for her! 

....loves to play with all of her toys, especially the ones outside - she is always wanting to go out there and play, I have a feeling I'll have to come up with some real creative things to do inside this upcoming Fall & Winter.

....over the past month we've enjoyed many fun things: Hudson Days, corn on the cob, visiting the Splash Pad, Bremer County Fair. a family reunion, a wedding and a weekend at Grandpa & Grandma Rausch's where Natalie got to stay the night with them while Mommy & Daddy enjoyed the wedding. 

Here are a couple more snapshots of our little girl!
Sitting like a big girl!

There's our wild child!

Happy 1st birthday baby girl!

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed the update on our dear Natalie. How can so much knowledge be learned and tasks triumphed in 12 months!?! Give her a great big Birthday Smooch from Grandma Sally.
