Wednesday, June 20, 2012

10 month old

Today Natalie is 10 months old...

....she currently weighs 22 lbs.
(according to her doctor's appt on Monday) around 29 3/4 inches long
(according to her doctor's appt on Monday)

.....she is a great eater - that could be why she is in the 80% for weight and 96% for height, she is certainly having very little baby food as she loves "real people" food - favorites being bread, strawberries, cheese, bananas & ice cream cones.

...Has another tooth coming in on the top - we just noticed it the other day!

....still loves to sleep, going to bed between 8:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. every night and sleeping till 6:30 a.m. and/or till I have to wait her up!

....still loves to splash around in the bath tub & we've added a little pool on the back deck as another water option for her! still wearing size 3 diapers but I have a feeling we'll be moving up to
size 4 within the next month or so...

....still wearing 12 month clothes

....loves to talk, talk, talk especially to her baby cousins Kaylee & Weston

...still has the best little smile :) still enjoying daycare and even found her 1st lil' girlfriend, her name is Sela and she's another little girl in her class that's about the same age!

....she is busy crawling, pulling herself up, walking behind push toys and has even taken a couple steps over the last week or so.....she's just plain B-U-S-Y!

....she is still a thumb sucker, loves her blankey, baby and pink kitty 

....loves to play with all of her toys, especially ones that make noise - music,
it's too cute to watch her dance to the sounds!

....over the past month we've been enjoying all the fun summer things - parades, which we've found out that Natalie does NOT like loud noises a.k.a. - fire trucks!  We also checked out the local petting zoo and found out she loves animals!  We've also been busy playing outside - swinging in her swing which she loves, on the other hand the one thing she dislikes is grass, she doesn't like how the green stuff feels on her little toes, it's so funny watching her keep her feet up while you hold her!

We also celebrated Father's Day with Daddy, his 1st Father's Day this past weekend, we had a nice relaxing day together! 

Other things I want to note of is that Natalie has showed no interest in our upstairs steps, she'll watch us go up them and doesn't care a bit! 
Also when it comes to holding her bottle she is lazy - she would rather we hold it for her, sippy cups on the other hand she is all about holding them and drinking out of them by herself!  Call her crazy!

Happy 10 month birthday baby girl!

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. That made for a very special "read" for me today. What a doll-baby you have!
