Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week #18

Well we made it to another week!
My cough/cold is almost gone, a 2 week sickness - no fun!  I have been wearing the bioband pretty faithfully as the mornings are better but I still feel ify all day long.  The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days so Nathan and I have already got a couple walks in.  We also finally got our Christmas lights off the house and garage, an over due task!  Nathan has also been busy working upstairs on the new bedroom doors and then Grandma Sally came to the rescue today and primed the trim in the hallway for us this morning.  I hope to get the trim and maybe even the walls painted within the next week or so.

This week's surprise gift came from Mom, Grandma Sally and Ang.......a box of goodies for me!  A couple maturity shirts with some fun jewels to go with!

Can't wait to have something new to wear even if it's from the maturity department!  Thanks again gals!

Grandma Sally is in town, oh how we love when she visits.  She has been busy seeing lots of people including the new addition at the Uhlenhopp household, little Zion - what a cutie he is, got to see him for the 1st time last night as we went and visited! 

Grandma Sally also had an "extra" special gift for Baby Rausch this week, a cute little oneies to add to his or her closet as we celebrate week #18 - thanks Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet day that will be when you place your baby's furniture in the room you have readied. Be sure to put me on the list of people to notify when you reveal the gender of wee one. It was wonderful to see you and Nathan this past week. Stay well and stay safe.
