Monday, March 7, 2011


Well it's back to Monday, our favorite day of the week.....back to work after a nice relaxing weekend!  Over the weekend we did run some errands, go to a movie in Grundy with Chris and Kasey and got a nap in on was great!

Today I left work a little early to go to my Doctor's Appointment.  I was hoping I gained a little bit of the weight I lost last time back but I didn't......didn't gain a single pound actually, my doctor wasn't too worried though.  Everything else looked good and the baby still has a strong heartbeat.  All the test results came back good with the ultrasound and blood work that was taken last month.  I did have to get blood drawn again today because my platelets were a little low, just something they are going to keep an eye on over the next couple of months.  I did find out that I'm O- blood type, something I never knew before. 

Now on to some odds and ends, last Wednesday we made it to Week #16 and to our great surprise we received this fun card in the mail from Frannie...
The baby received it's first $10.00.....inside the card it read "$10.00 should buy me 6 Baby girls names, with the suggestions of Elizabeth Sue, Sara Lynn, Adelyn Kay, Sophie Jo, Madeline Marie and Carlyn Ann listed.
Good guesses Mom but who knows maybe it's not a girl.....we won't find out till early April.

Our "BIG" project yesterday was putting together a highchair, yeah we purchased our first baby item and even though we know we won't be using it for a while we went ahead and bought it online because it was on sale/going out of stock and we liked the colors and the fact that it folds down very nicely for storage!

1 comment:

  1. Well! Did you tell Frannie that in the South all babies are called Sally and that's what we'll be calling her/him for now? And I'll be throwing $10.00 in the pot to offer suggestions for a permanent name.
