Friday, March 25, 2011

Check List

We have another thing to check off our (okay my) check list of things I would like to do around the house.....

Nathan got the hallway upstairs painted this past week and it looks so much better, no more ivy stencil on the walls.....yeah!  We weren't really planning on painting the walls right now but you know how it goes... we painted the baby's room in order to get the carpet put in.....which lead to painting the trim in the spare bedroom so we could change the carpet in there.....which lead to getting new doors in the baby's room, spare bedroom and our bedroom.  Now that the doors are white I thought we needed to change the trim to white (it used to be tan) which you know lead to painting the walls tan instead of white.  Did you follow all that?

Here's my little worker bee......

Back to normal.....but looking much better, tan walls with white trim.....

Thanks looks awesome and I promise I think I'm done with the painting projects for at least a little bit!

Have a great weekend everybody!

1 comment:

  1. It looks so good AND contemporary. Doesn't the banister stand out as well with the rich clean colors becaause it doesn't have to compete with the ivy. Good job, Nathan.
