Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week #17

Well we made it to Week #17 and found yet another fun surprise in the mail on Wednesday.  (I think my Mom is having a lot of fun with this)

Here is what we received this week.....

A "luck" card because I'm having pretty good luck with the bioband so far and not taking it off for nothing.

We also go a fun little info card listing all the changes our baby will be going through this next week.  The candy bar represents the baby's length, approximately 5 inches long.

The cough and cold is slowly getting better.....hopefully this upcoming weekend will be better and I'll get more done besides coughing and blowing my nose, which is how I spent last weekend!  Looking forward to yet another weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That mother of yours is something special for she has a gift of gifting that's for sure. I'm glad to hear the bio band is working and life can seem somewhat normal as you journey the road of pregnancy.
