Thursday, March 31, 2011

Busy day.....

This morning I got to work and they were all dying to know the news, was it a little boy or a little girl!  I showed them the ultrasound picture that stated "GIRL" and after that all I heard were screams!  By mid-morning they put this cute little basket full of suckers in the break room for the winning girls' team!

The boy guessers got a cute basket full of suckers too, even though they didn't guess correctly!

It was a very cute idea and I think they all had fun with it!  Thanks girls!

Tonight I met Dixie and Sandy at Panera Bread for supper.....we also Skyped Dina, she is still living in Guatemala till the beginning of June.  I haven't talked to her in a while so it was fun catch up with her.....I also got to tell her our news, not only were we expecting but that we are having a girl......she was pretty excited as were Dixie and Sandy!

Here is a picture of Sandy and Dixie talking to Dina via the computer.....

That ends my busy day....this busy week is catching up with me....good thing tomorrow is FRIDAY!

One last picture to end the night, this is a picture I forgot to put in my last posting.....this is the cute oneies that Carson showed up with last night, he is going to be the "Best Big Cousin"....

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