Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Natalie has been getting into Nathan's collection of match box cars lately
and let's just saying I'm hearing a lot of..."oh be careful with that one...",
"don't break the wheels off...." & "oh maybe you shouldn't play with that one....". 
I just have to laugh as these are $.96 match box cars from Wal-Mart.
So what did we do on Sunday night, we headed to Wal-Mart with Natalie's gift card from her birthday to get her this "Wheelies Loops 'n Swoops Amusement Park."  And she is now having fun playing with her our "little people" cars.

Helping Daddy put it together....

Reading the instructions.....this picture just makes me laugh!
I think she needs glasses if she has to get this close to read the words that or maybe she is trying to read the Spanish side! :)

Come on Daddy let's play with it.....

This is one happy girl!

With a chapped chin due to the extra amount of drool these days,
she has those "big girl" teeth coming in now!  Poor baby!

1 comment:

  1. I want to be Natalie! She sure gets a lot of pampering!!
