Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Farm

Saturday morning we headed to Prairie to meet up with
Gary, Mom, Carl, Ang, Carson and Weston to hit up a cute little
Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Farm just minutes from their trailer. 
What a fun little place it was, just wish the weather
was a little bit warmer so we could have stayed longer but oh well
what can you do about the weather, right?
Here we are, just arriving at the Shihata's Orchard...

Natalie all bundled up and ready to go!

 Look at all those pumpkins and gourds...

Angie trying some yummy apple cider and Weston just "hanging" out!

Inside the store - look at all those goodies...

Me & Gary!

And the Brouwer clan....

Heading out to see the animals...

Carson & Frannie feeding the bunnies...

Natalie checking out the goats...

And the mini-horses...

Even Nathan got friendly for the horses...

And a llama...

Cute little "pumpkin patch"...

Smile Gary & Mom!

Onto the hayride....

And we are off, into the apple orchard...
Just one of the pretty trees full of apples we saw on our ride...
Natalie snuggling with Frannie!

Gorgeous trees...

The Rausch's

After leaving the Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Farm we headed into Prairie
and had a delicious lunch at our favorite little cafe - Simply!

Ang enjoying the chicken salad sandwich!

And Carson with his "monster" M&M cookie!

Weston just gets his mittens to munch on... 

Heading back to the car - Natalie hand in hand with 2 of her favorite guys!
Daddy & Grandpa Gary....
 What a fun day we had enjoying one of the 1st "cold" day of Fall!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking me along on your Saturday, Di, through snapshots and comments. I had fun!
