Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Recap

Well here we are on Sunday evening again, how do the weekends go so fast?

We had yet another fun weekend.  Friday night we bundled up and headed to Frannie & Grandpa Gary's house for supper and to hang out with them for a while, here is Natalie sporting her new winter hat, isn't it so darn cute?

Then Saturday while Nathan was working I cleaned, did laundry plus some baking while Natalie slept in till 9:30 a.m. she was tired from her busy week I guess.  Then at lunch time we stopped by Subway and picked up subs and then headed to Daddy's work and had lunch with him. 

It was Natalie and I's first time having lunch with Daddy at work...

After lunch us girls headed off to the UNI Dome for the craft fair, it was full of people but we had fun and even picked up a few fun wooden snowmen crafts that I think I'll use as Christmas gifts this year.

We spent Saturday night hanging out at home and watching the Hawks on TV.

Sunday we did church in the morning then headed out to my Dad & Lanette's house for an afternoon of painting.  They recently finished their garage and it was now time for paint.  It is one BIG garage that's all I have to say and we painted till we ran out of paint so I guess we'll have to go back another time.

Here's is part of the garage before....

And during....

This is what Natalie got to do while the rest of us painted, nap with Aunt Kasey!

And now we are back at home, hanging out for the night....watching the Bears play football on TV tonight I'm sure and gearing up for yet another fun filled week!

1 comment:

  1. That "Lucky Duck" Aunt Kasey got to snuggle with Natalie, eh? And it appears Natalie has a great deal of concern for her new winter hat; her eyes are big and wondering as if to say, "Is it stylish enough?"
