Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday Fun!

We had a busy yet very enjoy Fall Saturday!

This morning bright and early I did the Breast Cancer 5K Walk downtown Cedar Falls.  What a beautiful morning it was with the sun shining so bright.

Me, Angie, Mom ad Kasey ready for the walk...

Look at all the people...

Here comes Angie and Kasey, good job girls!

After I got back home Natalie was so alert and wanted to be held up-right so Nathan ran upstairs and got an old walker that I used when I baby-sat kids at my house out of the closet and we tired that on her, she liked it for a little bit.

Having fun...

This afternoon our neighbors brought us these beautiful fresh mums, so I added them to my kitchen counter.  I love Fall!

We also went on a walk this afternoon and spotted these pretty trees right down the street from us.

Natalie was wide awake when we started our little walk but soon fell asleep, I guess she finds our walks very relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing the pictures of all the happenings in Iowa. I wonder who coordinated your pink and black Cancer walk outfits. Let me guess. You girls look pretty spiffy. It looks to me like Natalie is a game player cause she seems to go along with anything you throw at her. Hope she enjoys her Day Care as well.
