So we kicked off the 1st "really" nice weekend by doing a "little" landscaping project, here are a couple before.....

and after pictures....
We even got cleaned up just enough to enjoy a birthday party on Saturday night for Weston & Alaska and poor lil' Wes Man I just realized I never got a snapshot of him.....
Sunday night we went to Natalie's end of the year Awana program....
Another fun filled weekend is in the books and man....are....we...TIRED!
Dang it - I wrote a L O N G comment and the computer crapped when I pushed Publish!! Anyway 1) I like what you've done landscaping wise. 2) Does Natalie need any thingies sewed on her Awana shirt? 3) Cute picture of Alaska and who would think to decorate her highchair. There. That's pretty much the areas I touched before. Love you!!