Sunday, June 22, 2014

1st Weekend of Summer!

Well we survived the 1st weekend of Summer and it was a busy one,
so busy I didn't even have time to take many pictures - sorry! 
Nathan had the whole week off of work and I took off Thursday and Friday so we could get some stuff done around home.  Thursday and Friday we slept in, took the girls to daycare late and got to work right when we got back home....Thursday of course it rained - I mean poured most of the day,
the day we were going to get some landscaping done. 
Well we didn't let a little rain (and lightening) stop us - we laid brick, 
loaded and unloaded rock and moved plants around, we didn't get everything done but we got a great start.  I even got the play house door painted!
Friday I got some work done in the house and then mid-afternoon we decided to pack up and pick up the girls from daycare and head north for a quick trip to Prairie.  We wanted to check out Papa & Frannie's new pad up there plus help them do some packing & moving so that's what we did.
Like I said too busy working and/or having fun to get any pictures of the house, did snap this picture of the "BIG" old bridge as we waited to pick up our boating princess from the dock.  We let her go out with Papa, Frannie and some of their friends for a quick boat ride before we headed back home on Saturday was a fun yet quick trip!
And this was our view on the way home....taking home one tired lil' girl!
Saturday night we had some friends over for supper and we played outside.
Sunday we hung out at home, mostly inside as it rained (or poured) off and on most of the day, it was nice to get some odds and ends done around the house before heading into another work week.  We ended our Sunday evening eating watermelon (Addi's new favorite food) and heading to bed early!
Hope you had a good 1st weekend of Summer as well!

1 comment:

  1. Did Papa and Frannie buy a house in Prairie? The playhouse turned out darling darling.
