Thursday, February 20, 2014

Natalie is 2 1/2 already!

Today marks Natalie being 2 1/2 years old, I seriously can't believe how fast these last past 2 1/2 years have gone.  Out lil' Natalie girl is so funny and talking (and understanding) so much more these past couple of days, weeks and months....I guess I really noticed a change ever since she became a big sister back in September!  Here are just a few of the things I love about you Natalie:

-How much you talk and use your hands while doing it...

-Your singing - you know so many songs!

-The way you say your A-B-C's, it is the cutest!

-The way you love her sister, always worried about her!

-The fact that you love daycare!

-Recognize and can name all the kids in your class.

-The way you are oh so silly!

-The fact that you love to do puzzles and are so good at them!

-The way you play so well by yourself!

-The way you read books and show us the's so cute!
Your favourite books right now are (Brown Bear, Brown Bear & Five Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed)

-Love to be a helper to everybody :)

-Enjoy playing outside!

-Can't wait for craft time with Mommy!

-And finally the way you don't miss a THING!

In 6 short months this lil' girl will be 3 years old!

1 comment:

  1. That Little Natalie is sure special and unique! and I LOVE her pose in the picture. She honestly believes every happening is an event and is worthy of a snapshot. Priceless!!!
