Friday, December 27, 2013

Addison is 3 months old...

Today Addison is 3 months  old...
....she currently weighs 15 lbs.
(according to our bathroom scale) around 24 1/2 inches long
(according to our tape measure)

.....she is a great eater, downing 6 oz bottles every 4 hours

....still a sleeper, taking her one to two good naps during the day and then heading to bed around 9:00 pm/9:30 pm and then sleeping through the night now, something she has mastered this last month - yeah!

....still sporting size 2 diapers

....wearing mostly 6 month clothes now, I had to pack away those 3 month clothes this past month - another sad moment for this Mommy

....has the cutest little smile and has really been showing it off these last couple of weeks, besides smiles the cutest little giggle is coming out of her body lately as well, something I need to get on camera!
....loves her big sister, and knows when she is present (which is usually right in her face) along with sister she still loves her Mommy & Daddy and is starting to recognize Grandpa and Grandmas too (or at least I think she is)....really she just likes it when anybody talks to her

....she started daycare this past month, just a couple weeks ago actually and I think is enjoying it....she's still trying to get used to her teachers and all the other kids in her room - I think she'll have so much fun there the older she gets

....we loved celebrating Christmas with her, which was just a couple
of days ago, she got so excited when she saw the tissue paper from a bag get closer to her, that's when her arms went a flying like she was going to get it.....
it was too darn cute!
Happy 3 month birthday baby girl!

We love you!

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