Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!

We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving (Addison's 1st Thanksgiving)
at Papa & Frannie's house was a nice relaxing day of great food
and good company....

Here is a couple quick snapshots of my lil' turkeys
before we headed out the door this morning...

Good looking table huh?

Natalie's spot at the table...

Onto "turkey" craft time!

And snuggle time....

 Here are a couple other snapshots from the last couple of days, Natalie sporting her "things I'm thankful for.." shirt along with snow boots!

And another snapshot of the girls sporting their turkey outfits!
Hope you all had a wonderful day with family & friends as well!

1 comment:

  1. So good to be able to all sit around the table isn't it. Bravo for Frannie that she made that work out. Saw a stranger, a boy, in the pictures. Someone you adopted for the day? Hey, I think Natalie had an edge on Carson for the turkey project for I saw her making one on your other blog. Gr eat pictures of the family. I really enjoyed seeing them!!
