Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Natalie's 2nd turkey day was a success.
We had a relaxing day at home and then headed
to some friends' new house for supper.

Recap of our fun day....
Natalie sported her cute turkey t-shirt, thanks to my Mom and her sewing skills.

Since we were home most of the day we decided to get our tree out and decorated, here's my "helper" with all the bulbs dumped out on the floor. 

Before we headed to Jasmina's for supper we stopped by Ravenwood
to see G & G Larson.  Here's little Weston hanging out with Grandma....

and Grandpa!

Here is Natalie "vacuuming" at Jasmina's house....

Running with bread...

And the guys hanging out watching football!

What a yummy meal we had - thanks Jasmina for invited us over
to your new home for Thanksgiving, love the house!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Natalie she inspired me; I think I'll get my decorations out of the attic and decorate tonight!
