Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday's Road Trip

Sunday we took off mid-morning for a fun little day trip. 
First stop was by Nathan's parents' house to pick up his Mom who was going to ride along with us to Waukon to see Nathan's grandparents, his Mom's parents.  While visiting Nathan's grandpa in the nursing home Natalie was in love with the birdies, kicking her legs and of course tapping the fake glass as Nathan was standing a little too close, he keeps forgetting that she has long legs,
wonder where she gets that from?

Grandma Carolyn & Natalie trying to wake up Great-Grandpa Lawrence....

Let's try the hitting approach, Natalie thinks...

He finally woke up for maybe 3 seconds, just long enough for a couple quick pictures with Natalie and that's about it....

Great-grandma jumped in for a picture...

The rest of the afternoon consisted of grabbing some lunch, dropping Grandma Carolyn back off at her house where Natalie got to see Grandpa Dennis and then it was on the road again for the last hour & a half drive home.  We finally got home around 7:00 p.m. long day but Natalie did great in the car so that made the trip go very well.  Fun day visiting the love ones we don't get to see very often!

1 comment:

  1. That's a thoughtful thing to do taking your little one visiting in a nursing home. It's important that the two generations can meet and have some interaction; great gift you gave those grandparents on Sunday.
