Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week #38

We are another week closer, just 2 weeks left till our due date!

Today I went to my regular weekly doctor's appointment.  They did the typical weighing me (which I gained zero) and then checked my blood pressure and etc.  They told me last week that they were going to check me this week so I was prepared to see if I was dilated at all but the doctor didn't end up doing that, he said he would next week - WHAT?  I think it's because he moved my appointment up at the last minute so he could go to a luncheon/meeting in the afternoon.  Oh well I guess it's something to look forward to at next week's appointment.

This week's gift is a very special one for us.  A hand made gift for our little girl from Grandma Sally.  She is so sneaky, last time she was here my Mom gave her the extra material she had from making the curtains for the baby's room and she put together this BEAUTIFUL quilt for us.  I'm kind of scared to use it because it is so pretty!

Thanks again Grandma, we absolutely love it!


  1. You are very welcome. As I said in the note it was a fun fun project and I have a new passion which I hope to purse further. The quilting is not perfect so I'll keep trying to improve by working on the knowledge I have gained with Estelle's quilt. I thought it would be big enough to toss on the floor when you want to put her down to play or travel in the car for emergency. Really, it is just for rough use.

  2. I LOVE the quilt! It is absolutely beautiful. I am sure Estelle will love it as well :) Grandma did a wonderful job--and how special that you will forever have something homemade from her! Very cool.
