Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

This Mom-to-be wants to wish all of you Moms and Grandmas out there a very special Mother's Day!

Our activities on this Mother's Day included:
     -Lunch with G & G Larson at the Bridges
     -A quick trip to Menard's
     -A visit from Nathan's parents
     -Supper at Mom's house

I also got my 1st Mother's Day present.....guess I'm going to start jogging after this baby is born.  Actually Nathan found it at a garage sale that our neighbor's daughter were having this past weekend, he thought it would be a great stroller to use on the bike trail in our backyard and/or if we do any walking east of town where it is really sandy/rocky.  It's in great shape, just need to dust it off and put a little air in the tires and we're ready to start "jogging"......thanks honey!

I also received a very pretty necklace and a very touching Mother's Day card from my Mom, thanks Mom for thinking of this Mom-to-be!

This week's upcoming project is planting all these beautiful flowers I picked up at greenhouse on Saturday.  I hope the nice weather sticks around!

Latest baby room project is this table, before it was a boring white table.....

Painting it green.....

Nathan putting on the finishing touch.......

Finished project.....
                                                    .......isn't it so cute!

1 comment:

  1. That table is so cute! We're just never finished with "the fluffing" are we. Keep up the tradition for it's a good one-making our houses our homes.
